Hello beautiful human and welcome to Vistara-expansion of mind, body and soul.

My name is Yuliya.

I am Feminine Somatic Embodiment coach | Grounded Spirituality teacher | Yoga & Mindfulness teacher.

Past decade of my life has been a profound journey - one marked by turbulence, challenges, healing and deep transformation. It began with my initiation into motherhood-a tough labor, a prolapse, misaligned pelvis and childbirth trauma. This experience left me feeling disconnected from my feminine nature, may body, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy and sense of self-worth. It was the beginning of my healing journey.

Along the way, I navigated heartbreak, infidelity, and dissolution of a ten-year marriage, stepping into the world of single parenting. I also faced the complexities of becoming British citizen while holding the weight of the war in Ukraine , where my entire family still lives.This period of my life became a deep a deep dive into self-enquiry, self-mastery and healing. I embarked on the journey to reclaim my sacred feminine nature, rediscover self-love, self-worth and empowerment.

My path led me to divine feminine teachings, yoga, embodiment practices, somatic work with women, meeting my beloved, blending our families (with two children between us), and co-creating sacred spaces together.

I studied various modalities, programs, workshops and trainings, attained certifications, to support this journey.

Now, I offer Feminine Somatic Embodiment mentorship to the world, guiding other women in reclaiming their feminine power, sensuality, sexuality, creativity, and self-worth, helping them to thrive in their feminine essence.

I am here to serve your feminine essence - a powerful force that sustains and nurtures all life.

My mission is to help you reconnect with the profound wisdom and power of your body ( your pelvis ), sensuality, creativity, authentic self-expression guiding you back to wholeness of your instinctual, rhythmic, feminine nature.

For the past 7 years, I have been facilitating transformative spaces, offering women’s somatic immersion mini-retreats, “Hips like honey-healing female pelvis” yoga classes, workshops and 1-2-1 coaching helping women to transform their relationship with their body and reclaim their sacred feminine. My approach is grounded in somatic yoga, feminine embodiment, spiritual awareness and sovereign self inquiry allowing women to connect fully with their root and inhabit this vital part of their bodies. Through this connection they can live in a more grounded and holistic way, embracing their feelings, no matter how intense they may be while simultaneously accessing powerful sacred energy - creative force that births realities.

The female pelvis is an epicentre of feminine power, sensuality, creativity, intuition and connection to the source energy.

It is vital to recognise the importance of being physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually connected to this centre. As the origin of all life, the womb holds immense significance in the female body. When we disconnect from this centre, it can lead to a deep imbalance in our overall well-being.

Women are often subjects to cultural taboos, especially regarding sensuality, sexuality, menstruation, body image, emotional expression, reproduction…which often makes women internalise shame and sense of unworthiness about their feminine body, leading to tension, self-judgment and disconnection from pelvic region.

The pelvis is often thought to be a seat of emotional energy. When women are unable to express emotions such as sadness, anger, shame or their needs and desires, particularly in the relations to sexual and emotional well- being. These emotions can become '“trapped” in the body, particularly in the hips, lower abdomen and pelvic bowl.

Shame can cause women to disconnect from their bodies, especially areas associated with sexuality and reproduction. This lack of embodiment can prevent them fully inhabiting their root and lower body leading to numbness, discomfort or even chronic pain in the pelvic region, further perpetuating shame and emotional tension.

Some traditions like Yoga or Eastern medicine , believe that shame can create energetic blockages in the pelvic region, preventing the flow of vital life force or energy of creation ( often associated with the sacral chakra - womb chakra).

Healing often requires an integrated approach that addresses both the emotional and physical aspects, helping to reconnect women with their bodies and release trapped emotions of shame, unworthiness, guilt and fear.

In my mixed gender yoga classes I teach and help people to adopt Yoga practice/ Mindfulness as a way of life which serves as a therapy for the mind, body and soul.The way of finding deeper connection to Self, feeling empowered through restoring inner balance and cultivating power within. Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years in order to show humanity the path to peace, harmony, prosperity, happiness and overall wellbeing.  Yogis view the mind and body as one. When given correct practice, guidance and taken to the right environment it can find equilibrium and heal itself. The Asanas( yoga postures ) not only tone the muscles, increase flexibility and improve the posture through alignment,but they also have a profound impact on our endocrine (glands) and nervous system. Yoga therefore is considered to be a deeply transforming therapeutic practice.

I am a certified Yoga Teacher registered with Yoga Alliance (RYT 200). Originally I studied with Himalayan Yoga Institute which specialises in Ashtanga Yoga, a version of Raja Dhiraja , which is a highly comprehensive  form of yoga, the most complete system of self-development known today and is based on the original Ananda  Marga system for all-round individual and collective development.I studied with spiritual teacher Ganga Devi.

I studied and explored Vinyasa yoga, Yin, Gosh yoga (foundation of Bikram)… My natural curiosity to learn and understand flexibility deeper led to certifications in Gravity Yoga and The Method Flexibility with LAAIC yoga school studying directly with Talia Sutra. My style of teaching is a beautiful fusion of ancient teachings with a modern approach weaving styles together and creating a dance between active mobility & passive flexibility, strength & softness, dynamic movement combined with slow and restorative movement using conscious breath and somatic body awareness.

The power of sisterhood is truly profound. When women come together with intention, something extraordinary happens. In today’s world, our connections are often limited to casual meet-ups in pubs and restaurants. While these are enjoyable, our hearts yearn for deeper intimacy - a connection that honours our feminine energy, intuition, creativity and sensuality. I feel deeply fortunate to have so many inspiring women in my life that taught me the beauty of gathering in nature, swim in wild waters, sing, share stories, build fires and altars in the woods, create crafts, drum, stomp our feet to the rhythmic beats, and sway our hips in wild joy. We sit together in ritual, witnessing one another as we explore our inner depth - spaces we might not have ventured alone - knowing we are held in a safe, welcoming space where we are accepted just as we are.

When women come together, they guide each other back to their true essence, reconnecting with the sacred feminine.

Through somatic yoga, feminine embodiment, spiritual awareness and sovereign self inquiry, I help women heal emotional and physical patterns of pelvic imbalance and disconnection from the full spectrum of their feminine energy, sensuality and creativity often caused by internalised shame and feelings of unworthiness and not being enough. This disconnection can manifest in various ways, including lack of emotional and physical intimacy, self-doubt, creative blocks, tension or even chronic pelvic pain. I teach women how to cultivate a deep connection with their bodies in a way that honours their feminine energy, sensuality, wisdom and intuition. They learn to embody self -love, self-belief, self-acceptance and confidence, ultimately thriving in their feminine essence and living in their highest potential.

“As a Divine feminine teacher, I trained and certified under Kaia Ra, the best selling author of The Sophia Code on how to facilitate a powerful energetic container, creating a space of emotional safety, crystalline clarity for sovereign self-enquiry and the activation of the divine genome within. This process helps women embody the truth of their sovereign divinity, cultivate deep feminine knowledge and wisdom. It involves a series of profound invocation, activations and transmissions under the guidance of quantum teachings of the Divine Feminine Ascended masters. I weave these teachings and activations into my 1-2-1 Somatic Feminine Embodiment mentorship.”

Find Out More about Feminine Somatic Embodiment Mentorship -

journey of reclamation and self mastery.


Somatic yoga. Somatic release. Healing female pelvis. Feminine embodiment

Join us for a deeply transformative retreat experience, where every moment is filled with nourishment and designed to bring you into connection with your sacred feminine and help you return to your natural state of wholeness.